Monday, 18 January 2016

Affirmation When You Need it Most

Have you ever found yourself in a position of concern or uncertainty? Wondering if you're on the right path or even heading in the right direction? Me too. In fact, a lot lately. 

I'm entering into the second half of my third and final year in my post with the Southport Methodist Circuit and I don't know what God has in store for me in the next year.
I love the work I've been called to do but lately I've been questioning if it's for me? I have been told recently I'm a "Stage Jumper" - which means I go from stage 1 to stage 3, completely skipping the all-important second stage of planning and strategising.  It's awful how one small seed of doubt can creep in and tear apart everything you once believed. But then I remember the parable of the mustard seed - and I know that same seed can work in the opposite direction!
Yesterday during our church service, the new Archdeacon of Knowsley and Sefton, Pete Spiers, spoke to us about the mixed economy Church. He spoke of the importance of fresh expressions running alongside the traditional church. He said the growth of the Church will include Fresh Expressions; we must make disciples and then God will build the Church! My heart raced at his words and I knew God was reminding me that He is calling me to continue the work of Fresh Expressions in Southport - to go out and enable more people who cannot or do not get to traditional Church on Sundays, to know Jesus! "We need to see more people come to know Jesus and to see more people who know Jesus, come to be disciples of Jesus." Pete continued, "Society has changed on Sundays - there are more things to do now on Sundays...Could we set up Church Communities to connect those with Jesus who can't be here on Sundays. Keep having traditional Church, but also other Churches who meet at different times of the week on other days, so we can connect with as many different people as possible."
Rev Tim Hall (far right) with his
memorable smile and enthusiasm,
at Franky's Pizza...
When I was hired into my post, our Superintendent was one very enthusiastic, inclusive visionary - Rev Tim Hall (pictured.) Tragically, Tim passed away just before his retirement, and with him, left a lot of vision and enthusiasm for me personally. Thankfully, our new Superintendent, Marie-Anne Kent, has come into position with a similar inclusive vision held by her predecessor and she has offered so much encouragement and affirmation. I worship most Sundays at an Anglican Church and I am employed by the Methodist Church, however, my heart is purely for God and the building of His kingdom here in Southport. Thankfully, leaders such as Marie-Anne and Pete both understand the importance of Church unity and working together for the good of The Lord. Pete reminded me on Sunday, "It's important to Jesus that we Christians love each other and don't add to the division and difference in the world." 

Thank you Tim, Pete and Marie-Anne, for being such an encouragement and affirmation to me on this journey!

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